Construction manufacturers expect strong final quarter of 2018

Construction products manufacturing returned to business as usual in Q3 after the weather-related pauses and subsequent catch-up in the first half of the year. Britain’s £56 billion industry is cautiously optimistic that the year will finish strong with sales anticipated... View Article

New Government data backs CPRE Green Belt figures

An analysis of the new Government data released today (4 October) by the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) shows that since 2012 almost 10,000 hectares of Green Belt land have been released from ‘protected’ Green Belt boundaries by local... View Article

NFB: Government to reduce the human cost of late payment

The Government’s announcement of measures to tackle late payment will help the 74% of construction companies that have almost gone into liquidation because of the practice. The package of measures unveiled by the Small Business Minister Kelly Tolhurst will also... View Article

May removes council borrowing cap

The borrowing cap for local councils to build new housing is set to be scrapped, potentially opening up billions of pounds of funding for new council housebuilding schemes. In a move that has been long called for by many in... View Article

Building thin air – considerations when looking upwards

As London faces a chronic housing and land shortage, ‘air space’ or ‘air rights’ developments above existing buildings provide an innovative way of unlocking potential to deliver much needed housing in dense areas. In many instances, the freeholder and developer... View Article

Government announces ban on combustible cladding

The Government is set to ban the use of combustible materials on the outside of all new build high-rise buildings, hospitals, care homes and student accommodation. Following a consultation on last year’s Grenfell Tower tragedy, James Brokenshire, housing secretary, told... View Article