Ceremony marks new council housing milestone

A topping-out ceremony was held on Thursday at a new 100% affordable block that will become council homes at council rents for 90 Croydon families when it is completed. Next spring, local people on the borough’s housing waiting list will... View Article

Put PI on your plans with specialist help

If the last year has shown us anything, it is that we simply don’t know what is around the corner, says Darci Edwards of Bridge Insurance Brokers Ltd. Businesses all over the UK have changed, pivoted or sadly gone under... View Article

Controlling influence

From sophisticated users who want the latest wifi controlled options, to elderly or vulnerable people who need the simplest of controls to cope with their system – its vital that there’s a full range of complexity available in today’s heating... View Article

Governments homes funding looks disingenuous – CPRE

Commenting on the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) launching affordable homes funding, Tom Fyans, deputy chief executive of CPRE, the countryside charity, said: ‘While this funding seems impressive, it was announced in the Budget and doesn’t represent... View Article

Freefoam support installers with digital tool kit

Freefoam Building Products has released guidelines for PVC installers on how to get ahead with all things digital. As a consequence of the recent pandemic homeowners are spending more time at home and inevitably more time online, so having a... View Article

Coronavirus Lockdown? Off-site construction saves the day

By Jonathan Passmore, UK Technical Sales Manager, Helec Ltd A lot has changed since the UK’s first two patients tested positive for Covid-19 at the end of January. Six weeks later, the prime minister announced a nationwide lockdown, asking the public... View Article