‘Radical’ Matthew Pennycook appointed Housing Minister

Matthew Pennycook has been confirmed as Housing Minister, in the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities headed by Secretary of State Angela Rayner.

Pennycook is an experienced politician including in housing, reportedly showing a ‘radical’ approach to the Private Rented Sector, and introducing many amendments to the Renters Reform Bill to protect tenants.

Pennycook commented: “Tackling the housing crisis and boosting economic growth is integral to national renewal.”

Before becoming an MP, Pennycook’s background was in the charitable sector.

Nathan Emerson, CEO of Propertymark commented on his appointment: “We welcome his appointment; housing must play a pivotal role for the government moving forwards and in real terms, delivering over 1,100 new homes every day for the next five years will take immense planning and enormous stakeholder engagement to achieve.”

“There needs to be a long-term cross-party approach with continuity built in as standard – we should never be looking at a housing plan as a five year government term, in case of any change down the line.”

“There must be a broad mix of sustainably built homes that brings much need stock to both buyers and renters. The plan must be delivered with precision and in a way that is connected with wider government planning to ensure key infrastructure is provisioned for as the population further grows.”