Queen’s Speech – Royal Town Planning Institute response

Following the Queen’s speech, Trudi Elliott, Chief Executive of the Royal Town Planning Institute, said:

“The RTPI welcomes more powers devolved to cities as outlined in the Queen’s Speech, including the widening of the functions of combined authorities. But it is also vital that areas and towns between cities are not left behind and can benefit from planning that looks beyond political boundaries.”

“The RTPI urges future elected city mayors and local authorities to cooperate and plan more strategically on issues such as housing, renewable energy, transport, health and education by entering into partnerships. We hope the opportunities presented through the new City and Local Government Devolution Bill will lead to more cross-border cooperation.”

“The RTPI will look carefully into the package of measures aimed at increasing housing provision. We continue to champion quality as well as quantity, and the vital role that planning plays in ensuring they are built in the right place, with good access to transport, jobs, broadband and other infrastructure.”

The RTPI will be publishing its detailed analysis on its website later this afternoon.