Introducing the CALEFFI XS® from Altecnic

NEW: Introducing the CALEFFI XS® Under Boiler Magnetic Filter

The CALEFFI XS® is a compact and versatile magnetic filter that is designed to protect heating and cooling systems from the harmful effects of impurities

With a filtration system that uses a mesh filter, a neodymium magnet, and a collection chamber…Click to read more


How Does the CALEFFI XS® Work?

Stephen Elsmore, Senior Technical Support at Altecnic, discuss how the new CALEFFI XS® under boiler maganetic filter works and where it can be installed…Click to watch


Altecnic Release Dirt & Air Separation Issue of Technical Magazine, IDRONICS UK

IDRONICS UK aims to enhance industry knowledge on a broad range of topics and solutions – getting right to the root cause of some common and not-so-common operating issues in systems. This edition of IDRONICS UK tackles issues caused by dirt and air entering heating and cooling systems…Click to read more


What Are the Advantages of a Deaerator?

Deaerators are designed for continuous venting of the air that forms in air conditioning system hydraulic circuits, down to the level of micro bubbles.

Ed Morris, Technical Manager at Altecnic, explains more about deaerators and the advantages of installing them on heating and cooling systems…Click to watch

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