Biodiversity Net Gain – Benefit or Bureaucracy?

Samantha Hursey, Operations Director and Ecologist at Meadfleet, a leading open space management company, shares her thoughts on Biodiversity Net Gain and the challenges it poses to the development industry:

What is Biodiversity Net Gain?

Biodiversity Net Gain is set to become mandatory under The Environment Act 2021, affecting all housing developments in England. It aims to create a strategic nature recovery plan, leaving the natural environment in a better state by requiring a minimum of 10% improvement over a 30-year minimum period.

Why is Biodiversity Net Gain important?

As an ecologist having worked in the sector for over 10 years, both as a consultant working on planning applications and in the management of open spaces on completed developments, I have witnessed the need for more longer-term solutions to mitigate the impact residential development has on the natural environment.

Biodiversity Net Gain offers an opportunity for a more sustainable future with benefits going far beyond biodiversity and the creation and enhancement of habitats, including improvements in air quality, flood management, and soil stability. It should also bring everyone closer to nature, with diverse green spaces on their doorstep.

What are the challenges for developers?

Whilst supporting the principles of the new regulations, there remain challenges for developers in implementing BNG, with significant detail and guidance still missing and the deadline of November fast approaching, developers may find this leads to delays in planning applications, with limited time to fully understand and implement the new requirements. Other challenges include the absence of potential for on-site BNG and penalties for creating off-site gains plus the availability of off-site land/units within the LA boundary.

How do the regulations affect Meadfleet’s management of open space?

Meadfleet are already applying many of the principles of Biodiversity Net Gain on the developments we manage.  Whilst it isn’t a requirement, myself and the rest of the Meadfleet Board feel a responsibility to ensure open spaces are managed to maximise biodiversity.

Our Ecology and Conservation Manager and I have been attending BNG training and seminars to keep up-to-date and will continue to do so as more information is available. We are working closely with our developer clients to support them through the changes.

Our in-house expertise and land-adopting model mean we can ensure the long-term success of BNG on the developments we are appointed to manage.

Feel free to email me to learn more about Biodiversity Net Gain and how it will affect residential development.

Samantha Hursey
Operations Director
MSC in Ecology and Conservation
Meadfleet Ltd

Contact Meadfleet to discuss BNG and the management of your open spaces