The No Falls Foundation, the UK charity dedicated to preventing falls from height and helping people affected by the life-changing consequences of a fall, is urging everyone to ensure that height safety remains a priority despite the understandable pressures to kick-start the economy.
Figures published by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) for 2019/20, show that falls from height remain the single biggest cause of fatalities in the workplace. In the 12 months to March 2020, 29 people died from a fall from height – on average one person every 13 days – and, according to the HSE, these figures almost certainly reflect fewer falls in February and March due to the impact of COVID-19.
Comments chair of the trustees, Peter Bennett OBE: “It’s imperative that height safety is not compromised for the sake of productivity. In recent months we have witnessed unprecedented collaboration and mobilisation of all the stakeholders in industry – government, regulators, employers, trade associations, trade unions and employees – to fundamentally change behaviours to try and ensure that COVID-19 does not wreak devastation in the workplace.”
“Moving forward, we need to harness and build upon that collaboration and sense of common cause, and apply it to that commonplace, often unnoticed danger – working at height.”
The charity has published the first issue of Saving Lives, an occasional e-newsletter for anyone involved – directly or indirectly – in the work at height sector. To sign up visit The website also includes an information resource hub and a section on how to get involved with the work of the Foundation.
Not surprisingly, the Foundation actively supports the latest initiative from the Ladder Association. Run in conjunction with RoSPA, the Get a Grip campaign promotes the safe use of ladders and stepladders at work and in the home – reducing avoidable accidents and keeping people safe.
Anyone looking for further information on ladder safety, ladder training and the new EN131 ladder standards can download three free guides by visiting
The work and role of the Foundation is actively supported and championed by the eleven member organisations of the Access Industry Forum (AIF) – the forum for the principal trade associations and federations
involved in working at height. Each organisation represents a different sector of the access industry and fosters and supports codes of good practice, equipment standards, training, education and knowledge.
The Forum’s mission is to encourage people to work safely and competently at height as required by the Work at Height Regulations (WAHR), using appropriate equipment with personnel professionally trained to industry-recognised standards.
The Forum comprises ATLAS, BSIF, EPF, FASET, IPAF, IRATA, the Ladder Association, NASC, PASMA, SAEMA and WAHSA.
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Tel: 0845 020 4242